Mill Houses Ramelton, Donegal

The light was dull, again, up until about noon, but then the sun broke through, and by 5pm, it was becoming a typical Autumn evening, with strong blues, dappled with reds and pinks in the evening sky. Ramelton, was slightly out of my way - but, because it was such a strong subject and the light had been flat and grey on my first visit two days before, I detoured and went there before heading for Letterkenny.
I didn't regret it. I got there at about 6.3pm, and the low orange sun was making the Mill houses absolutely glow and vibrate with life. The strong blue evening sky set them off a treat too it along real.
A local man, taking his 3 month old pup for a walk, stopped to say what a glorious sight the Mill Houses were - and told me a lot about the town itself and pointed out some great vantage points from where to get other good shots of the town (of which he was, rightly, very proud).
Some people can be very friendly. And, the Donegal people are right up in my top-ten of friendly Irish people - so far!!
Here are two shots from Ramelton, that I took tonight. If you'd like to see bigger versions - click the link to my photography website (Adare Images, near the top of the left hand column) and look for them in the "places" section, under "Galleries" - or wait for them to appear on the home page.
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