The Secret of Gaining Thousands of Blog Visitors

Given that my Blog is relatively new - this is my 53rd post since I began about 2 months ago - I was delighted to see my hit rate increase astronomically today. I had so many unique visitors, in one day, that my hit counter overheated and finally gave up the ghost, completely disappearing from the Blog. I'm hoping it will be fully recovered after a trip to the Health Spa, and a quick spray with WD40. I also got more comments on a single post than ever, and the most "followers" in one single day.

I am under no illusions that I managed to generate all those visitors through the power of positive thought and intensive visualization (but, I do have a copy of "The Secret" on my study shelf).

No, there is one single reason why I got many of those hits. I emailed someone I have met once, a year ago, and told him about my Blog and my latest post. That person was considerate enough - without actually emailing me back, so it was a great surprise when I saw it - to say something nice about my Blog and post a link to it. It just so happens that he has one of the most successful photography-related Blogs on the 'net. Hey presto, thousands of hits in one day! It was also very intriguing for me to see, on the same day, a comment from a major figure in an important email group, that I had mentioned in another post - although I hadn't told him about it.

I hope to try and keep some of those new visitors by making subsequent post interesting enough that my "bounce rate" won't be too high and my hit rate doesn't fall too far tomorrow.

So an important blogging lesson for me: make influential friends and influence them enough (but not too often) so they will introduce you to a few thousand of their friends.


  1. Hi Stephen, Congratulations on your recent success :) it must be great to wake up to thousands of visitors! I hope to be able to make equally influential friends in the blogosphere, someday ;-) I'm new in this world, as well as the world of photography, so maybe you'll pass the word ;-)

    Anyways, good luck with your blog and photography.


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