Shooting without Permission - An Agent's View

I got an email, today, from Colin Finlay of "World Illustrated" owners of Photoshot Photographic Library (to which I have contributed images) and Publishers of Hotshoe International Magazine (for whom I have reviewed photographic equipment).
Colin offers me his views on photographing people - from the perspective of a Photographic Agent:
Hi Stephen
I read your blog. Interesting points about when you can and can not shoot people. For your interest, our policy at Photoshot is to always ask permission, irrespective of whether people are famous or not. However, I suspect that some of our overseas suppliers do not always adhere to this. We are not a pap agency, although we do not have a problem with famous people doing ordinary things as long as they are aware that they are being photographed and that the photographer is not being intrusive or prurient.
Best wishes,
More views from those with a professional interest in photographing people with or without permission are welcomed - and will be published without editing.
More views from those with a professional interest in photographing people with or without permission are welcomed - and will be published without editing.

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