Quick Studio Set Up

I needed to take some shots in a hurry, of a model wearing jewelery, for a client's website. The studio I usually use is closed for summer vacations. So, I used the room I type up this Blog in - my study at home - and the equipment I have for location shoots, and what was in my garden shed.
I called my favourite model - Carol O'Mahoney - and while she was driving over, I taped two bamboo poles to lighting stands (so that the backcloth could go higher) and hung a doubled-up piece of black fabric I got from a garden store (which is used to protect seedlings and plants). I secured the cloth the poles with plastic clothes pegs and tape.
I thought that a strong side light would work best, so I used a small studio head, with a heavily layered soft-box attached to the front of it, directly at right angles to the model (as if she was being shot with soft window light). I propped up a large circular reflector on the tripod legs, directly under the camera (which is straight on to the model) and I used my secret weapon - the model's younger sister (Eimer), who stood in the cramped, corner of the room, with another reflector, aimed back at Carol, which light up the jewelery on her wrist and neck.
A very simple, cheap and quick set up - but (I hope you agree) a classy and expensive-looking result!
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