Newton's Law of Motion

Kilkenny, Ormonde Hotel. Got in late, after a fairly fruitless day shooting. It has been a miserable week, weather-wise.
Strike's been a miserable August in Ireland, as far as the weather goes (see It never Rains..., below) and I was getting fed up of seeing a perfectly formed ancient monument or historical site surrounded by flat, grey skies. But, the sun came through at about 6pm - doesn't it always - and lit up gloriously the glorious ruins of Kells Priory, one of the largest and most magnificent medieval monuments in Ireland. Situated on the bank of the King's River, in County Kilkenny, it comprises a collection of medieval tower houses spaced at intervals along and within walls which enclose a site of some three acres.
Canon EOS 1Ds II in hand, I braved the flock of grazing sheep, to take a series of shots that almost had me in a good mood, after the verbal lashing I got a few miles down the road, in Thomastown (see I Get Jerpoint, below). Back in the RAV, I came to a fork in the road, only to be stopped by a very large herd of dairy cows, being herded from one field to another. I grabbed the camera, only to find that both cards in it were full - and hastily chose and deleted 2 shots I decided were not going to make the final cut - and grabbed the cows in mid jaunt.
Feeling better still, I got back in the car, and waited for the herd to pass by. At their tail end (pun intended) the farmer called to me "hey, can I have a word" he shouted. I clambered out of the RAV, camera in hand and quick retort forming in head - thinking, oh not again, surely!
"I was just wondering", the farmer said, "if you are free to take some shots at my son's stag night on Friday in Kilkenny - you looked so professional there with yer camera! We'd pay yer whatever you needed?"
Slightly shell-shocked, and very relieved - not to say flattered - I thanked the man for his kind words and offer, but declined, on the grounds that by Friday I'd probably be 400km away in Donegal.
On entering the Ormonde Hotel, I'm called across to the reception desk to be told that, on instructions of the General Manager (an old acquaintance) I have been upgraded to a junior suite - complete with complimentary chocolates!
Funny how the day can change as dramatically as the weather. Newton's Law of Motion comes to mind...
For every action, there is an equal but opposite reaction
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