Freelance Photography Frustrations

When Professional Photography is a Pain in the Aperture
The last few days were not the most progressive ones I’ve ever had, as a freelance photographer.
First of all, one of the additional
Secondly, I got an email telling me that my contact at a ma
Thirdly, during one of my small-group photography courses, this week, I praised a student for a really excellent photograph of a food hamper – that she had taken as a publicity shot for the supermarket that her family own. It was sharp, well-lit, had good colour saturation and perfectly composed. A fellow student (a German woman) promptly announced: “Oh, I think she is a better photographer than you are Stephen. You should find another
Fourthly; I spent hours finding, editing and preparing images for entry into the World Press Photo Contest. I then spent some more hours filling in the application form, and waited 2 days for my approval and password to enter the competition. I then spent half a day (Saturday, my day off) uploading 10 images to the competition website – the upload link crashed at least 6 times! Only to be told, by the extremely intelligent automated system that my photographs were not taken in 2008, and so were not eligible for entry. Actually, that was a first for me – those pictures were taken in 2009. I’ve been too late for deadlines before – but never too early!
Hopefully the planets are aligned and moving forward this week!
Now, where did I hide that book about Positive Thinking?

Sounds like a bad week indeed Stephen. Have a Guinness and long sit down. I find everything [appears] a lot better after that.